If the Scholars Differ Regarding the Praise and Criticism of a Caller (Daa’ee)

The Quintessential Gathered Advices and Instructions of ash-Shaykh Rabee' to the Youth
The Quintessential Gathered Advices and Instructions of ash-Shaykh Rabee’ to the Youth

Al-’Allaamah Rabee’ Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee

[Q]: What is our position if the Scholars differ regarding the praise or the criticism of one of the callers?

[A]: The position for the one who has fiqh (understanding), as the principles of al-Jarh wat-Ta’deel are clear as the sun, is that the detailed criticism takes precedence over the general praise. This is the case if there is a conflict between the praise and criticism. If the praise and criticism conflicts, the detailed criticism is given precedence. You will not find a Scholar from this Ummah in opposition to this (principle), but however the people of sophistry who cultivate the youth upon nonsense and fallacious argumentation argue and arrogantly reject these principles.

As for the Scholars of the Sunnah, you will not find one who has opposition to this. They say, if a Scholar criticizes and that does not conflict with (the statement) of another Scholar, or it does conflict with (the statement) of another Scholar, then with them (i.e. the scholars) the criticism takes precedence over the praise. There are those who say that the criticism takes precedence over the praise in all circumstances, however what is correct is that if the criticism and praise conflicts, the (criticism) must be explained; so the detailed criticism is given precedence over the general praise.

Many of the people of misguidance today go to some of the Scholars and try to make apparent to them that they are Salafiyyeen so that they can acquire statements of praise from them (tazkiyyaat), and then they take those tazkiyyaat as a weapon to strike the Salafee methodology and to fight against its people, just as is happening with you now in Holland, France and other places.

Some of the people of falsehood and ignorance went to some of the scholars of the Salafee manhaj and they acquired from them tazkiyyaat by ways only known by Allah, for some lowly reasons, and it is to play with the intellects of the youth in the name of those tazkiyyaat to draw them away from the Salafee methodology and to divert them from this methodology and to cast them into the lowliness of misguided hizbiyyah (partisanship) and Allaah’s refuge is sought. This is something occurring where you are and you know of it. So it is upon the youth to pay attention to these principles and to pay attention to these people who play with the minds and emotions of the youth, and who play with the principles of Islaam, it’s foundations and texts. [1]

[1]: Refer to al-Lubaab (p. 502) of Rabee’ Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee.

Translation by Abu Suhayl Anwar Wright

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