[Q]: A few days ago, a number of cartoonists who insulted the noble Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) and journalists and employees of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper were killed in Paris. Likewise, two men and a woman from the police force were killed. And the individuals who carried out these criminal acts have not yet been caught. However, video clips have emerged in which some of the criminals praise this act and they say that they carried out this crime in order to exact revenge for the noble Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam).
So now the fingers are being pointed at Islaam and at the Muslims in general and at the Muslims who live in France specifically. Fires have been set and bombs have been thrown at some of the mosques.
So the question – may Allaah preserve you – is: What is the position of the Salafee towards these acts of terror and what is your advice to the Muslims in France and to the Salafee callers in specific. May Allaah reward you with goodness. Continue reading “Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree on the Charlie Hebdo Shootings in Paris”