Indeed, I advise myself and you with the taqwaa [1] of Allaah and ikhlaas (sincerity) [2] to Him and steadfastness upon the truth and holding fast to the Book and the Sunnah and that which the Salafus-Saalih were upon in terms of beliefs, acts of worship, manhaj (methodology) and moral character. I counsel you with these matters and advise that you give them the utmost importance. You must direct your attention to them and form the mutual bonds of brotherhood amongst yourselves and you must inculcate mutual love amongst yourselves. You must utilize the causes the mutual love, affection and unity and you must distance yourselves from stirring up trials and dilemmas. And you must distance yourselves from the causes of disagreement amongst yourselves. So such causes are many, so avoid them. Continue reading “Prophetic Guidelines for Protection And Safety from Trials and Misguidance – al-’Allaamah Rabee’ Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee”